xena the artist

Who is Xena the artist?

Nothing is ever as it seems as far as Xena is concerned. A singer, songwriter, and creative director, she is a force felt through all of her work. though fresh on the r&b scene, Xena’s lyric’s are aged in wisdom and self reflection.

"My music is about finding yourself and the journey of being found." she says. “Music, like everything around us, is magic. I intend to conjure.” Xena creates dreamy alternative R&B music to push her fans deeper, into her world and their own. Just when you think you have her all figured out, she will always have something more.

Xenasphere LLC





Xena The Artist Releases debut EP

‘Blood and Water’

Columbus, OH, Xenasphere LLC – The first studio extended play from Xena The Artist is available worldwide, Wednesday, June 7, on all major streaming platforms. Released from her own label, Xenasphere LLC, Blood and Water is a seven track offering, welcoming all listeners into the first dimension of Xena’s sound and artistry. 

The first drip from Blood and Water was released in the form of LND, Xena’s lead single. With “LND”, Xena personifies the saying “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” openly sharing her darkest desires to get even with her lover. The songstress follows with mournful cries in her follow up single “Dark Night of the Soul”; each tear drop building a reflection of the strife welled up inside the singer. 

“Blood and Water is a three-fold tale of my life through the lens of my spiritual walk with God and the exploration of the Kubler-Ross 5 stages of death and dying” says Xena. “ Everything I’ve put into this record is symbolic, from the release date, to the number of songs and the titles. I don’t want my audience to just listen to this record and go on with their day, I want them to experience this in its entirety and be impacted to their core.” 

Xena’s craftsmanship shines through each song, weaving stratified lyrics which are undeniably raw and thought provoking. As you progress through the project, Xena’s vocals evolve, at times taut, soulful or seductive, capturing the entirety of who she was and is becoming. Blood and Water features only one artist (Kayo) on its final track, Joy In the Morning, an intentional decision which solidified the purpose and power behind the project.  Blood and Water is Xena’s truth.  “It’s easy to get lost in the dark, sometimes you have to learn to be your own light,” says Xena. 

Building an exciting sophomore year in the industry, Xena thrives on nurturing her sound and her audience with the unfamiliar. If Blood and Water is any indication, we are all in for a wild ride.

Listen up.

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